I've always liked smoothies, but somehow this summer they have become something more of a fixation.
Today, as much of Oregon is engulfed in smoke and it's recommended to stay indoors, I took a housebound moment to try to track this phenomenon. My personal archaeology of the past few months yields the following timeline:
• May - Wrapping up a semester teaching at Syracuse University, Vasilios Papaioannu and I shot our latest short film, The Man in the Bushes, with our friend Adam Foldes. During this period, we were drinking almost daily smoothies from Strong Hearts Cafe. The one I would get used coconut oil, which I'd never thought to put in a drink before, but it totally worked.
• Early June - I was staying with my dear friend Megan O'Connell, of Salt + Cedar, in Detroit and she made me the most beautiful smoothie for breakfast one morning.
• Mid June - I went to LA and discovered Glowing Juices, a juice bar in Echo Park that organizes its menu by chakra.
• End of June / July / Early August - When I got home to Oregon and back to the lush yard full of fresh herbs, I couldn't get the concept "botanical smoothie" off of my brain. I spent the next month experimenting with using herbal teas instead of fruit juice or milk, paired with fresh herbs, fruits and nuts-- the results were pretty delightful. I'm including here the recipe for my favorite, botanical smoothie #4. Really you can make it however you like, the best thing is to use fresh herb tea, fresh herbs and whatever fruit is in season (plus a few other optional frozen smoothie staples).
• End of August/ Early September - my smoothie game has taken a dramatic turn: I've spent the recent days dedicated to creating a drinkable but very hardcore detox smoothie. Much of Oregon has been suffering extremely poor air quality due to hundreds of thousands of acres of forest fires blazing throughout the state. Oregon is not alone, Colorado, Montana, California, Washington, and many other parts of the US and world are on fire (including Greenland!). As a result of the local fires I have been feeling sluggish and achey, hence the hardcore detox smoothie. I am posting recipes for two versions, both hardcore in their own unique way (have yet to combine methods, for the ultra detox experience). I used activated charcoal powder in both. A word to the wise, these two smoothies really aren't kidding around, the ingredients are selected to help pull toxins from the body but you have to help them do the work by drinking plenty of water alongside them...
Detox Smoothie #2, complete with reflection of the smokey red sun.
The instructions for all of them are put into the blender and blend. * Also note: all my spoonfuls are heaping
1 banana
6 fresh strawberries
handful of frozen pineapple
handful of frozen strawberries
small pieces of ginger & fresh turmeric
1/2 lime
1/3 can chilled coconut milk
cup of bay leaf tea
2 scented geranium leaves
1 tablespoon powdered rosehips
3 ice cubes
With the juicer I juiced: 1 beet, 1 apple, 1 lemon and 1" piece of ginger
1/2 can coconut milk
1/4 fresh pineapple
1 banana
8 brazil nuts
handful of flax seeds
handful of pumpkin seeds
1 teaspoon of activated charcoal powder
same of spirulina
DETOX SMOOTHIE #2 (I think this is the tastier one)
1 tablespoon Chaga mushroom powder
1 tablespoon activated charcoal powder
1 tablespoon rosehip powder
1 teaspoon astragalus powder
1 teaspoon dandelion root powder
1 teaspoon black walnut hull powder
handful of cashews
handful of golden flax seeds
1/2 bunch fresh parsley
1 banana
handful frozen strawberries
2 cups of bayleaf tea
5 ice cubes
-Emma Piper-Burket